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N33° 51.917 E130° 47.808'

Dublin Core


N33° 51.917 E130° 47.808'


Artist supplied tags
Artist Keywords: Identity of place
Artist Keywords: mapping
Tags supplied by Dr. Jana Harper, of Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
Sam Fox Keywords:
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Library Keywords: Artists' books -- Italy
Library Keywords: Architectural photography -- Japan
Library Keywords: Factories -- Pictorial works
Library Keywords: Aerial photography -- Japan


Title Description - Gruppo A12 is a collective of architects founded in Genoa, Italy in 1993 whose work occupies the territory between architecture, urbanism and contemporary art. It takes the form of graphic design, video, installation, interior architecture, and exhibition design. This book, a project done for the Artist's Book Series at the Center for Contemporary Art in Kitakyushu, Japan, gets its name from the Global Positioning receiver that the artists used to draw a map of Kitakyushu. The introduction on the cover of the book explains : The GPS is a military device developed by the US Army. The CAD software we are using to transform the co-ordinates that we are collecting into a drawing also is a technique developed for the US Air Force. And knowing that Kitakyushu was the supposed target instead of Nagasaki of the atomic bomb adds a more bizarre feeling... 29 June 2009 (printedmatter.org).

Catalog record.


Gruppo A12


N33° 51.917 E130° 47.808
Kitakyushu, Japan, Center for Contemporary Art, CCA Kitakyushu, 2002


Washington University in St. Louis, University Libraries




Insulza, Francisca - United States 1970




Gruppo A12, “N33° 51.917 E130° 47.808',” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 7, 2024, http://omeka.wulib.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/76.