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Urban fauna information station

Dublin Core


Urban fauna information station


Artist supplied tags
Artist Keywords: Urban
Artist Keywords: Fauna
Artist Keywords: urban fauna
Artist Keywords: contemporary art
Artist Keywords: animals
Artist Keywords: art
Artist Keywords: artists book
Artist Keywords: cataloging/archiving
Artist Keywords: Toronto
Artist Keywords: Montreal
Tags supplied by Dr. Jana Harper, of Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
Sam Fox Keywords: Urban green space
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Library Keywords: Photography, Artistic
Library Keywords: Urban animals -- Study and teaching -- Canada -- Pictorial works
Library Keywords: Nature study -- Canada -- Pictorial works
Library Keywords: Schools, Traveling -- Canada -- Pictorial works


Title Description - The Urban Fauna Information Station is made up of a travelling trio of artists observing and logging all manner of metropolitan animal life, from the goose lamp illuminating an apartment window to a butterfly collection at a nature lab and a person dressed in a gorilla suit. This book documents with photographs and no words, the Information Station's sojourn in Montreal and Toronto in the Summer of 2002. The images of ceramic cats, painted puppies, bottled specimens, and stuffed tigers, are complemented by watercolors and photographs depicting the curious scientific activities of this collaborative team. 29 June 2009 (printedmatter.org).

Physical Description - Photos and watercolours and text and floorplans

Catalog record.


Burns, Bill - Canada


Urban Fauna Information Station
Montreal, Flock Gaggle Herd, 2003
Toronto, in collaboration with Mercer Union, 2003
How to Help Animals Escape from Degraded Habitats by Bill Burns


Washington University in St. Louis, University Libraries




Gould, Trevor - Canada
Vatnsdal, Mark - Canada 1961


How to Help Animals Escape from Degraded Habitats by Bill Burns




Burns, Bill - Canada, “Urban fauna information station,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 7, 2024, http://omeka.wulib.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/17.