
Browse Items (4 total)

Seen here are a few inches of a map whose length stretches to nearly 11 feet: The Ribbon Map of the Father of the Waters, published in St. Louis in 1866.

The linen-mounted map unrolls from a wooden cylinder in a strip about 2 inches wide by 129…

The first edition of Galileo's most celebrated and controversial work, his defense of the Copernican system and challenge to Aristotelian and classical orthodoxy, which resulted in Galileo's trial by the Inquisition and his forced abjurement of the…

An illumination of the Coronation of the Virgin Mary from the Terry Hours (ca. 1420). Special Collections has a small collection of illuminated manuscripts including ten Books of Hours from the 15th century, two Psalters, and a Missal. On permanent…

Primera, y segvnda parte, de la historia del Peru, qve smando escreuir, a Diego Fernandez, vezino de la ciudad de Palencia. Cotiene la primera, lo succedido en la Nueua Espana y en el Peru, sobre la execucion de las nueuas leyes: y el allanamiento, y…
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